Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother chose Workin' Glamp
A fun, unconventional training activity, able to bring out the most childlike, unique and genuine side of the participants, while maintaining complexity and demanding an effort of elaboration, representation and storytelling.
A Lodge in the middle of a wood with large interior spaces, a bedroom, a living room, a private bathroom for the main room and a communal one (in the official tale they are not named, but there certainly were), walkable areas around the accommodation without the noise of traffic and crowds, but at the same time easily accessible on foot. This is clearly a description of one of the Club del Sole accommodations. Wolf aside. So why not pay homage to this timeless tale with team building made up of unexpected characters and lots of energy?
A Team building focused on improving fellowship, mutual listening, communication and empathy among participants. Once the participants have divided into teams, the narrator can start the story. The incipit is the same for everyone - the beginning of the story of Little Red Riding Hood - but suddenly the normal course of the tale is interrupted and a different character comes on stage for each group, drawn by a representative of each team.
Participants thus find themselves identifying with Einstein, Freud, Marie Antoinette or Jessica Rabbit who for some reason has stumbled into this woodland full of paths and no directions. How does the story continue? Why has the “anomalous” character wandered into this forest? The different groups will not only have to rewrite the tale, but also represent it with the help of make-up, wigs and other props.
Imagine doing this team building on the tenth floor of a Turin skyscraper: participants would have to make a not inconsiderable effort of suspension of disbelief. How about organising it in the heart of the pine forest of the Rimini Family Village or surrounded by the trees of the Italia Family Camping Village Viareggio, or even among the lagoon landscapes of Tenuta Primero, in Grado? A whole different story. Literally.
A fun, unconventional training activity, able to bring out the most childlike, unique and genuine side of the participants, while maintaining complexity and demanding an effort of elaboration, representation and storytelling.