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Nostalgia delle vacanze? Organizzate il vostro prossimo evento al Desenzano Lake Village!

Una location spettacolare per il vostro prossimo evento aziendale!

Dovete organizzare un evento di rientro dalle vacanze, ma non avete nessuna voglia di rinchiudervi nella sala riunioni di un hotel? La vostra mente è ancora proiettata sugli scenari da villeggiatura che vi vedono con bermuda e infradito mentre sorseggiate un cocktail al tramonto, e siete turbati dal pensiero di tornare agli outfit ingessati da conference hall?

Abbiamo la soluzione che fa per voi! Organizzate il vostro evento workin’ glamp al Desenzano Lake Village, e l’eco delle vacanze appena trascorse sarà più vicino di quanto pensiate!

Perché un workin’ glamp?

Per organizzare il vostro business retreat in una location immersa nella natura, godendo delle buone energie ricavate da un’esperienza open-air e dalla piacevolezza degli spazi green senza rinunciare ai comfort di una sala meeting alberghiera. La natura ispira connessioni più autentiche tra le persone, favorisce la creatività e stimola l’ottimismo: le vostre riunioni di team beneficeranno di un boost di positività!

Perché al Desenzano Lake Village?

Attorniato dal magnifico scenario del Lago di Garda, e facilmente raggiungibile partendo dagli aeroporti di Verona, Venezia, Milano e Bergamo, il Desenzano Lake Village è la meta ideale per organizzare il tuo open-air meeting.

È dotato di mobilhome e appartamenti di design e finemente ristrutturati, e dispone di un’ampia tensostruttura con vista sul Garda delle dimensioni di 10 metri per 25, che si presta a fare da spazio polifunzionale per qualsivoglia tipologia di evento. Il Desenzano Lake Village offre inoltre una spiaggia privata, un delizioso giardino e un’intima piscina con vista lago immersa nel verde.

Queste caratteristiche fanno del Desenzano Lake Village la location perfetta per organizzare: un walking meeting negli spazi green per dar spazio alla creatività, un garden-circle o un on-the-beach-circle per favorire la cooperazione stando in cerchio nella natura, un nature world cafe per dar vita a incontri informali in aree lounge immerse nel verde. O ancora, un meeting più classico in tensostruttura, ma con un panorama mozzafiato, e ogni tipo di team bonding sfruttando gli spazi green o l’elemento acquatico del lago.

Le vacanze sono finite? E chi l’ha detto?

Sostituite gli artificiali spazi chiusi di un hotel con una magnifica esperienza all’aria aperta, e sarà un po’ come essere ancora in vacanza!

Vi piacerebbe organizzare il vostro prossimo evento al Desenzano Lake Village? Scrivete a eventi@clubdelsole.com per un preventivo.

Make your event unique:
contact us!

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3 ways to mark your company birthday and celebrate your milestones
Celebrating your company’s anniversary isn’t just about honoring the business itself — it’s about thanking all the people who work there and contribute to its growth every day.
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Corporate good intentions for 2025: 6 ideas to improve climate and performance
We can feel it: 2025 will be the year you keep your business resolutions!
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Corporate Welfare: why is it important and how will it evolve in 2025?
The significance of a well-structured corporate welfare system that caters to people’s physical and, above all, mental needs can never be overstated.
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Learning Lab 2024: A day of listening and connection at the Desenzano Lake Village
Hearing or listening: we often engage in the former when we should place more importance on the latter.
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Wine Tour among exceptional wineries, staying in Workin' Glamp
As we know, Italy is not lacking in quality wines, but wine tours need to be well organized
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The Italia Family Camping Village Viareggio: a case study of excellence for Educational Summer Camps
In July, for the second time in succession, a Club del Sole village was the setting for the study holiday programme organised by Trinity Viaggi Studio: the Italia Family Village.
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Learning Lab 2024: active listening and empathy in the Desenzano Lake Village
It is naive to ask how it is possible to increase one's success at work as a manager and business leader without considering emotional intelligence.
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The festival of free souls, rebels and dreamers
For many years, Club del Sole has been proud to be the hospitality partner of the Kalemana
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The school year is upon us, start it off at the TOP to get back in touch with the kids!
September is around the corner, and the desire for new adventures and discoveries is on the rise
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Let's meet at TTG in Rimini!
The TTG Travel Experience is once again one of the "must attend" events for the tourism industry.
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Romagna Family Village: the perfect accommodation for an adrenaline-boosting team building experience to take you past the finish!
From the two wheels of MotoGP to bike tours and bicycle scavenger hunts. Everything at Romagna Family Village!
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Rimini Family Village: the perfect place for your sporting events and retreats!
Tired of the usual indoor training, with smog outside the door and a crowded training room? The solution is Rimini Family Village.
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Face the last few months of the year with the right burst of energy!
September is just around the corner, and with it begins a new corporate year while the end of the calendar year approaches.
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Health is everything: the importance of wellbeing
Thinking about the well-being of those who work with us is complicated; bringing fruit to the office is not enough. Club del Sole villages are the right choice!
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Le Mimose resort: the world is octagonal
Sports events, meditation retreats, dance recitals, or theatrical performances. The multifunctional hall of the Le Mimose resort is the perfect stage.
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Business retreat at Tenuta Primero: the value of small quantities
What do homemade jam and business retreats have in common? Both turn out better when prepared in small quantities. Incidentally, Tenuta Primero is the ideal resort for business retreats of up to 15 people.
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The Sole Family Camping Village: an oasis of sport, nature and inclusiveness in the heart of Emilia-Romagna
There is a place where sport, nature and inclusiveness come together to create an extraordinary experience
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Sow the cooperation, reap the sustainability: Escape the Toxic Room in Rimini
It is a challenge to unleash the adventurous spirit that lives in each of us, while tackling a mission that goes beyond mere fun: to create indelible bonds with a view to a sustainable future.
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Step by step to Workin'glamp sustainability
Sustainability is a characteristic of development. It is a combination of conditions that ensure a quality of life for future generations that is not inferior to that of the present.
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Team Building for skilled winemakers at the Desenzano Lake Village
A team building that goes far beyond the aromatic profile of the wine, in order to achieve the purest expression of the artisan product and to bring together the skills of each member of the team.
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Tenuta Primero: Forget The Gym!
But there are many water sports to choose: from the kitesurfing, where the board is lifted into the air and we move from the water to the air currents, to windsurfing, which challenges us to become one with these two natural forces by manoeuvring a sail.
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Incentive tours: the best gift ever, especially when they take place at Workin'Glamp resorts of Club del Sole!
Incentive tours are, in fact, incentives, rewards. They are an experience, given as a gift, that makes the recipient feel good and spend quality time with those they love most.
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A team building made of deleted and found words
The caviardage is a creative writing practice that is a bit different from the usual: you take the page of a book, any book, read it carefully and then start to erase word after word, drawing a thick black line on each line of text but leaving a few words visible
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You've booked your next site inspection, haven't you?
It is not a routine inspection, where you just have to be sure that each accommodation has at least a hair dryer in the bathroom and three towels per guest. No, it is not. It is an in-depth analysis of every aspect of the location, so as to evaluate - with the support of specialised personnel - the potential of the venue and any criticalities that may arise.
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The Rimini Family Village, the Club Del Sole Village Suspended Between Beach and City
From each lodge, crossing the outdoor veranda, you can set off for your next meeting or corporate training event, walking through the streets of the village amidst plays of light, a scent of freshness, the smell of the sea and green leaves.
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Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother chose Workin' Glamp
A fun, unconventional training activity, able to bring out the most childlike, unique and genuine side of the participants, while maintaining complexity and demanding an effort of elaboration, representation and storytelling.
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All Roads Lead To Milano Marittima
Club del Sole - with its Workin'Glamp offer - is proud to introduce you to Tenuta Primero. A luxury resort in Grado, Friuli Venezia Giulia, which joins the Group's existing reception facilities with a top-level accommodation offer perfect for leisure and incentive stays.
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Seaside, Mountain or... Lagoon: Tenuta Primero in Grado, The New Club del Sole Resort
Club del Sole - with its Workin'Glamp offer - is proud to introduce you to Tenuta Primero. A luxury resort in Grado, Friuli Venezia Giulia, which joins the Group's existing reception facilities with a top-level accommodation offer perfect for leisure and incentive stays.
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December belongs to Libra
We decided to wear our best fake beard and interview two of the key figures in Club del Sole, especially in the format Workin’Glamp, to see how 2023 went.
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The Programmers' Avenue: the Rimini Family Village as a Learning Centre
We know that Club del Sole villages and the Workin' Glamp formula are the perfect combination for the perfect learning centre, but it was an extraordinary thrill to see this in action and to have first-hand experience of how exceptional it all is.
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Give Time to your Life
Regardless of the number of employees, Club del Sole offers the possibility of constructing a package that includes accommodation, full or half board, and a sun lounger on the beach. Depending on the demands and needs of the company, it is possible to customise the services included in the discount code as much as possible.
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What Will You Be Celebrating in 2024?
The staff at all Club del Sole's Workin' Glamp facilities are trained to accommodate large groups and to anticipate any unforeseen events or last-minute needs.
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La Risacca Family Camping Village, the Perfect Active Resort - Master Volleyball Club
La Risacca Family Camping Village is a Club del Sole facility equipped not only for MICE events in line with the Workin'Glamp format, but also to host groups and sporting events.
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Dual Educational at the Desenzano Lake Village: Training on the Shores of Lake Garda
The Desenzano Lake Village was chosen as the learning centre to help offer a unique experience.
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Educational at the Rimini Family Village
Club del Sole has always believed and continues to believe in the importance of coaching activities, as well as personal and team training, with the aim of improving as people and contribute to the development of a healthy relational environment.
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Say "Yes!" Among The Tuscan Vineyards
Contact us to book that wonderful dream that is Ribusieri Country House!
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The Romagna Family Village, the sweet spot for boosting your team work
Join us to discover the potential of Romagna Family Village for your corporate events
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Close your eyes, breathe, listen to the sound of my voice
Contact us to organise your event or masterclass. We will be happy to advise you on the village that best meets your needs!
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Rimini Family Village Opening Business
Join us to discover the potential of the Rimini Family Village for your corporate events
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The perfect learning centre
Join the Workin'Glamp team bonding sessions with Club del Sole
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Team building: piadina challenge
Improve collaboration and management skills
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Rimini Family Village: meetings and team building on the Romagna Riviera
The Rimini Family Village is the perfect location for every business meetings
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The circles of trust and brave communication
The Circle Of Trust programme at Desenzano Lake Village and Rimini Family Village
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Trust & Wellbeing – Learning Lab 2023
The Learning Lab programme, one day dedicated to corporate wellbeing
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The italian travel workshop (ITW Nova) at the Desenzano Lake Village
ITW Nova was held at Desenzano Lake Village on May 8
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Land exploring among the Lugana vineyards: photo-bike & wine experience
Photo-bike & wine experience in Lugana
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Team building: piadina challenge
To improve collaboration and management skills
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For a dream wedding you need a location that goes beyond reality
A stage framed by green hills and the water of Lake Garda
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Rimini family village: meetings and team building on the riviera romagnola
Over 15 km of fine sand, crystal-clear water, nature, sun and culture, all within easy reach.
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Your dream wedding in a refined Tuscan farmhouse
The Ribusieri estate is the ideal location to celebrate a fairytale wedding
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Team bonding between nature and music
"Gritty Music Escape" and "Drum Circle"
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Desenzano Lake Village - What's new in 2023
All the novelties of the Desenzano Lake Village for the 2023 season
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Oenofrance's 80th anniversary
A wonderful seasonal opening for the Desenzano Lake Village!
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Wedding Open Day at the Desenzano Lake Village
Club del Sole is pleased to invite you to the next open day at Desenzano Lake Village
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Emotional intelligence Team Bonding: The Floating Raft
Emotional intelligence team bonding: explore our floating raft format
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Reward your employees: take advantage of Club del Sole's Christmas promos!
Your employees are your most valuable asset, and their satisfaction is essential to your company's success.
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Workin'Glamp: 2023 news
This is a list of the Club del Sole's Workin' Glamp villages news for the upcoming year.
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Ribusieri Country House: all the magic of getting married in Tuscany
Tuscany is one of the most charming regions in Italy: breathtaking landscapes, delicious cuisine and places full of history are the ideal setting for a dream event.
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The charming natural settings of Club del Sole’s villages are the perfect place where to organise an original Workin' Glamp-themed escape room!
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Club del sole looks forward to seeing you at the TTG Travel Experience! From 12 to 14 October 2022 - At the Rimini Exhibition Centre
Once again, the TTG Travel Experience opens its doors to the world of national and international hospitality. Three days full of meetings, insights and training with buyers and operators of the tourism sector.
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BusinessTellingⓇⓇ on a private estate in Tuscany. All set for the third stop at the Ribusieri Country House!
By popular demand, we have included a new and final exclusive BusinessTellingⓇ event on the Tuscan hills. Why? We believe that making your business stories compelling is one of the best strategies to stimulate and charm your target audience.
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BusinessTellingⓇ in glamping. Ultima chiamata per la seconda tappa del road show al Desenzano Lake Village!
Sei pronto per partecipare alla seconda tappa di BusinessTellingⓇ in glamping al Desenzano Lake Village?
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Nostalgia delle vacanze? Organizzate il vostro prossimo evento al Desenzano Lake Village!
Una location spettacolare per il vostro prossimo evento aziendale!
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Arti marziali per la mente
Le straordinarie cornici naturali dei villaggi Club del Sole diventano lo scenario perfetto per vivere un’esperienza totalizzante che coinvolge corpo e mente
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Ribusieri Country House: il tuo evento speciale nel cuore della Toscana!
Club del sole vanta una nuova acquisizione nel cuore verde della Toscana: si tratta di Ribusieri Country House, un casale deluxe immerso in una delle zone più belle d’Italia, nella verde provincia di Grosseto. Un’area geografica nota non solo per la produzione di ottimi vini, ma anche per i numerosi itinerari turistici ed enogastronomici
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Desenzano Lake Village: un’immersione in una natura dal tocco glamour!
Paesaggi incantevoli e scorci pittoreschi caratterizzano Desenzano, il comune più popoloso del lago di Garda. Raggiungibile comodamente dagli aeroporti di Verona, Venezia, Milano e Bergamo, è la meta ideale per trascorrere un soggiorno deliziati dalla cultura, dalla storia e dalla bellezza che aleggiano intorno.
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Al via il roadshow BusinessTellingⓇ in glamping. La prima tappa è già una storia di successo!
Il 23 e 24 giugno 2022 si è tenuto al Marina Family Village, situato a pochi passi dalla spiaggia di Punta Marina, in provincia di Ravenna, la prima tappa del roadshow formativo di BusinessTellingⓇ in glamping, nato dalla collaborazione di Club del Sole e Dual Communication.
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Vivi un’avventura con la tua azienda: il team building della zattera galleggiante
Tutto quello che devi sapere sulla nostra proposta di Team Building!
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Glamping Business Course: BusinessTelling® to Engage Customers
Il primo road show formativo di BusinessTellingⓇ, in glamping. Due mezze giornate di formazione specializzata dedicate ad insegnare e fare pratica su come rendere attivanti le proprie storie di business
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Nozze glamping con Club del sole: oggi si avvera il sogno glamour!
Il piĂą bel giorno della tua vita in una location straordinaria!
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