The circles of trust and brave communication
The Circle Of Trust programme at Desenzano Lake Village and Rimini Family Village
Do you remember high school? The years of planned interrogations that were punctually missed, the first loves, the quarrels that seemed to be the ruin of our whole world, the acne and the pages to be studied that piled up like coins given as change by the snack machines. We all lived through that period and certainly all of us still have nightmares about the school-leaving examination.
One of the best methods to study and fix notions well in our mind was to change the place of study. Going to the library, trying some study groups, studying in the garden or in a corner of the house where we had never been. Changing location helps the memory, because we fix the information to the context around us, thus making it easier for us to get to that memory and snatch the pass.
That is why the context we are in is really important, whether we are doing training or participating in a meeting or team building. If the room is not well lit, the windows look out onto a dark street, the microphones don't work well and the coffee is burnt, the meeting we are attending may be incredible and the topics interesting, but at the end of the day there will be nothing left in us except annoyance.
As a result of the great experience gained and the approach to the needs of those who organise training courses and those who participate in them, as well as the unique atmosphere of the locations, the Club del Sole villages have become perfect Learning Centres, that is, places where mind and body can reconnect through facilities that put people and nature in deep contact, taking care of the wellbeing of guests as well as the environment itself.
Coaches, leaders, trainers and educators can organise their courses and activities with the guarantee of always choosing a location that will understand the needs of their audience. This is also why EQ Biz, the corporate market division of Six Seconds (the global network for emotional intelligence) accepted the invitation of Dual Communication, the communication agency partner of Club del Sole for Workin'Glamp offers, to participate with its Preferred Partners in the Circle of Trust Masterclass at Desenzano Lake Village and Rimini Family Village.
Circle of Trust - THE PROGRAMME
Two events, on 13th and 14th October and then on 26th and 27th October at the Rimini Family Village and the Desenzano Lake Village respectively. They focus on how to easily build trusting relationships and how to foster psychologically safe contexts. A practical method for developing deep conversations and bravely facing divergent opinions, conflicts and situations with high emotional involvement.
The first session (13th/14th October) will be open to team leaders, managers, coaches and educators, while the second one will be exclusively dedicated to SixSeconds Preferred Partners.
Although with some differences due to the target, the programme will start on the first day with participants arriving at the site around 2.00 p.m. and they will be greeted with a welcome coffee. From 3.00 p.m. there will be a warm-up phase where all participants will introduce themselves and will be invited to "give each other permission" to learn how to overcome their own barriers to learning and to set specific goals that everyone will have in terms of confidence, using the Benefits & Goals cards. Then, going deeper and deeper, participants will explore the TSI (Trust Style Inventory) report that will connect people with their way of trusting and being trusted. This is an assessment developed by SixSeconds, together with Yvette Bethel, author of several studies on trust and founder of the IFB network.
On the second day all participants will be taken to discover the skills and shadows that operate as part of the dynamics of trust, and how to improve or rebuild (if possible) the relational bridges of trust. It will be an intense and exciting journey inside the dynamics of the Circle of Trust Box Activities, the programme designed by Dual Communication that will be delivered to all those who complete the course, this in order to better facilitate conversations in their work groups in a safe manner. In addition to participating in the course, anyone interested will also have the opportunity to become certified as a TSI assessor.
In short, two intense days both emotionally and mentally, but able to leave participants with a fund of unique knowledge; all of this made possible by the location, of course.
Subscribe now to the certification course on Trust Style Inventory and Circle of Trust, discover the power of trust to build effective relationships.